terhadap foto-foto anda, seperti: mengedit, menambahkan efek, menghilangkan red eye, mengatur kecerahan, warna, saturasi, ketajaman dan masih banyak lagi. Magix Photo Designer Full Versi juga di lengkapi dengan fitur one click Optimization, yang memungkinkan anda untuk merubah foto anda menjadi terlihat jauh lebih menarik dan juga lebih baik tentunya hanya dengan sekali klik saja.

- High-quality image processing and graphics, extensive opportunities to create presentations, intuitive interface.
- Time-saving, high efficiency, and high performance through the universal tools for processing vector graphics (also usable for professional use) and an optimized workflow
- Complete tool for working with files of PDF, from data import to create the file, ending their withdrawal
- An ideal complement to other programs MAGIX - Package Media-X-change (MX)
- Rapid learning, with the full user manual and various Video Tutorials
- Instant Optimization (1 click)
- Full processing
- Individual design
- Professionally Decorated
- Fotosharzhi
- Installation of panoramic images
- Improved support for the format RAW> illustration, drawing, painting
- 3D-design
- Converting images in graphic design
- Development of logos
- Publish drawings
- Ability to work on graphics and touch planshetah1 ekranah1> Magix Online Album Premium Class
- Foto Manager MX
- Creating Presentations (Slideshow Maker)
- Support for online services Facebook and Flickr
- MAGIX Media-X-Change (MX)
- Online Catalogue Catooh
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